Day 141 - Melbourne

Spent a decent chunk of the day washing Nessie and sorting her out for sale (while playing with Jan's foster dog Sassy). We started off just doing a quick wash but realised it was a great opportunity to use Jan's driveway and garage to unload the car and do the full clean up. It also helped than Jan made us sandwiches and coffee all day. It was just like being back at Mum's! Great to get one of our big tasks done and Nessie cleaned up really well, hopefully we can sell her quickly once we're back home although will be sad to see her go.

We cruised into the city, stopping in Richmond for some Vietnamese noodles on the way. One of Jack's mates was away for the weekend and offered us his apartment, right in the middle of town. It was like staying in a fancy hotel and we made the most of the cable tv, knocking off a sixpack of Coopers and watching movies. Again pouring rain outside and no surf down the coast so guilt-free urban living!