Day 122 - Port Lincoln to Wilmington

Early surf check in Lincoln National Park which involved amazing clifftop lookouts and walking over massive sand dunes (actually we could probably have driven over the dune but weren't too keen with a fully loaded car and a time budget). Nada surf so headed out of the park to check one last spot on the way back into town.

Decided to surf in the tiny waves at Mary Ellis Wreck beach. This place would absolutely pump given a bit of swell but it was tiny today, definitely just a fitness surf but nice and fresh in the water, just the thing before a long drive in the heat.

Grabbed some local oysters and stopped in at Boston Bay wines on the way out of town (ok, not that amazing) then trucked north in the brutal heat. Really have to get that aircon fixed! We pressed on anyhow, through Port Augusta and into the hills! We stopped in a little town called Wilmington for the night, not too far from the Clare Valley for wine tasting tomorrow.

Mary must have copped a bit too much heat during the day (and not had enough water) because she came back from the shower block all out of it with heatstroke! She was quite out of it so we got some water into her and got her into her tent for a big sleep. Such a nasty feeling. I've got to say Mary is doing well for a 60 year old squeezed into the front of a Landcruiser all day in 40 degree heat!

Surf: Mary Ellis Wreck Beach, SA, 1 foot, 1.0hr (113.5 total)