Day 117 - Condingup

Went exploring again, this time down the track we were supposed to follow yesterday! Much shorter drive to the coast and a very pretty spot but no surf today, the forecast swell didn't seem to be getting in here. It's amazing the swell gets in at all given all the little islands along the coast here. Again though, there were a couple of obvious set-ups that would go off in the right conditions and hardly anyone around, certainly no surfers.

We drove up a rough track to the top of the headland and then went for a walk around to the next beach. Jack managed to find his first live snake of the trip when he turned over a rock! We didn't identify what it was but it didn't look friendly. As we walked around we met a guy who'd been out fishing and seen a 5m metre great white cruise past his tinny a couple of times. Scared the crap out of him and he reckoned the shark's head was as big as a bar fridge! Maybe it's a good thing there were no waves...

Went for another Wharton surf and although it wasn't lining up properly we had a great time pulling into little closeout tubes and racing along the odd wall. It was such a pleasure to be out there by ourselves in the mint-toothpaste coloured water. So clear too, you'd spin out looking at the waves as you surf along them, weird turquoise cylinders. Seriously the most trippy water colour I've ever seen, let along surfed in!

Surf: Wharton Beach, WA, 2-3 foot, 2.0hr (111.5 total)