Day 088 – Exmouth

Early fish at the boat ramp without success, why do we do it to ourselves? Had something to eat and check Dunes again to find windy 2 foot waves on offer so got out here for an houry. Headed into town for supplies afterwards then like idiots decided to try another fish on the way home, right off the cape on the gulf side. Really nice little spot and looked like it would yield something so we chucked in our lines and got plenty of bites and caught a few little cod but nothing too exciting. I went for a snorkel to try and find some fish (no spearing allowed in this spot) and spotted massive queenfish and trevally about 300m further along the rock wall.

We moved spots and chucked in one of the last bits of bait and I hooked up a snapper (spangled emperor) almost straight away! He was an edible size so we kept him for dinner. Finally! Cast in my last bit of squid and got an even bigger hit straight away. Another spangley but much bigger than the first one. Got him in to the rocks and just as I went to pick him up my hastily tied bloodknot untied itself and the bugger dropped at my feet and wriggled back into the water before I could jump on him. Dammit! At least Jack saw him but the pain of seeing several kilos of snapper swim away continues to haunt me.

In fairness it’s quite hard to tie knots in crappy 100lb line (for the trace) but still annoyed with myself. The worst part was that it was the end of our bait and the fish had only just gone on the bite as the sun was going down. We gutted and cleaned our lone spangley and took him home for dinner. Was very tasty (thanks Dani for cooking) I must say and rewarding to eat your own catch. Only cost us about $200 worth of gear plus all the bait but who’s counting?

Surf: Dunes, Exmouth, WA, 2 foot, 1.0hr (78.0 total)