Day 006 - Iluka

Cruised into Iluka to check out the town and surf spots, not much happening surfwise although amusing to see a semi-toothless local grommet hoon fishtail his car into the bushes on a dirt road.

Drove back out to the highway and down to Yamba for a pie and a looksee. Nice little town. Headed over to Angourie to find the point working but a hardcore bunch of locals dominating the fairly inconsistent waves. Stunningly beautiful spot but left it to them and went looking for our own waves.

Back to Iluka and checked Fraser Reef again (after stopping to say hi to a cute little echidna on the side of the path). Nobody out and what looked like some clean 2-3 foot waves (and still light offshore). Got amongst it (after stashing all our valuables in our heavy duty lockbox) and had one of the best surfs of the trip so far! The supposedly dying swell kept delivering 3 foot sets onto a great left hand bank (with the odd short right).

I put in 5 huge backhand turns in a row on one wave and bascially ended up on the beach after one of several 75m rides. Jack was throwing spray on every wave, not bad for a Scotsman who couldn't surf 4 years ago! We could go home tomorrow and have had a great surf trip but we're not quite ready yet.

First night without Mum's pre-cooked home meals! Managed to scape by with some local blue eye cod steaks from the co-op and a bit vege stir fry.

Surf: Fraser Reef, NSW, 2-3 foot, 2.5hr (13.5 total)