San Francisco - USA

Last stop of the trip, noooooooooooo! Running low on travel budget by now and to be honest starting to feel ready to do something real after an epic trip. I'd always wanted to check out San Fran though and stoked that this was the last destination. Jack had been here before so didn't hang around more than a day. I had a couple more days so I could check out stuff like Alcatraz, ride the cable cars and generally get a feel for the place.

Quite weird to part ways with Jack after travelling together for so long but we managed to hold back the tears while we embraced for what seemed like ages. Not. I think Jack actually left the hostel room about 6am, poked me awake on his way out saying "see ya" and that was it :)

Before Jack left we did have the last weird experience of the trip here. Wandering around on the first afternoon, a gay black guy (with peroxide blonde hair) approached me going on about "aw yeah that white booty" and licking this, and f*cking that. I won't repeat everything but it took a second before I realised what he was on about and actually processed some of things he was saying. I ignored him for about a block while he followed us then turned around and suggested he cease and desist before one of us got hurt. Anyway he followed us for a couple more blocks from across the road shouting "nigga in tha hole". Thanks for your help on that one Jack!

All in all I enjoyed SF and will go back for sure. I didn't get to check out any music stuff for a start and there's a lot here to check out. Would like to do a trip north of SF, actually would be cool to do the whole west coast for that matter! Actually maybe not if the locals are all like the ones at Windensea. Anyway, this Surfari is over for now, time to board a plane for London!

Sorry? What's that? $100 to check in my surfboard? Certianly, let me just bend over for you....