Day 139 - Torquay

Still heaps of swell but the wind had a bit of east in it so the surf coast was a bit cross-shore. Quite crowded too, don't these people have jobs? We headed around to 13th beach, hoping to find it offshore and pumping but it wasn't really working too well with the wobbly swell. Oh well, this sort of trip give you the luxury to drive around for 2-3 hours chasing waves.

We ended up going back to Winki and getting amongst it with the big crew. Not quite as crowded as Tuesday but not quite as consistent either. Still, quite a few decent waves were coming through and winding off for hundreds of metres down the reef. We ended up staying out for more than 3 hours and I got a few great waves, one nice local guy even called me into one of the sets! Love this wave, it's quality.

I was so happy with my surf that I didn't bother going back out at Jan Juc after lunch. I crashed out in my tent while Jack got a few although he managed to cut his finger open with the fin of his surfboard!

Surf: Winki Pop, Vic, 3-4 foot, 3.5hr; Jan Juc, Vic, 3-4 foot, 1.5hr (147.0 total)