Day 137 - Torquay

Heaps of swell and the right wind today but everywhere was either too crowded or not quite working on the high tide. We drove up and down the surf coast checking spots and decided to go out at Winki Pop (next to Bells Beach) which looked the best but had close to 50 guys out!

Glad we went out! We'd been talking about surf decent Winki one day on this trip (it's a world-class wave) and we managed to get a few good ones. Super crowded and the locals were all over the best sets but I managed to pick off a few that wound off for well over 100 metres. A couple were close to the fastest I've ever been on a wave!

Headed in for some food and then back out a Jan Juc which was looking much better with the lower tide. The banks were great and some of the sets were winding off all the way to the beach. I put together a couple of my best waves ever, heaps of turns and cutback and then hitting the foam in the shorey.

We went around all the Torquay surf shops, Jack looking for a new leggie and me looking for a new shortboard for Central America (my trusty Banks is almost dead). Got back to the caravan park and although we really weren't keen to move house again, forced ourselves to pack up camp and shift to the other side of the park to get away from the screaming schoolies.

Surf: Winki Pop, Vic, 3-5 foot, 2.0hr; Jan Juc, Vic, 3-4 foot, 1.5hr (138.0 total)