Day 096 - Perth

Nice waking up in a real bed, even if it was a bunk in a dormitory. Nice to have a real kitchen, electric kettle, running water, etc. Hung out and enjoyed the sunshine in the courtyard, chatting to all the other travellers in the hostel. Pretty much everyone was envious of Nessie parked in full view out the front and I clearly stood out as a non-backpacker with my dirty Bonds t-shirt and fishing magazines! Cool to meet a few random people and chill out for a bit. Really makes me appreciate how good our trip is being able to go anywhere we like in our 4wd and not on a 10 day tour or driving a Wicked campervan.

Mucked around online doing a bit of life admin and went for a walk around town. Found myself in the art gallery which was mostly just ok but there was a great photography exhibition but a guy called Richard Woldendorp who specialises in aerial photography of Australia. Some quite abstract works that I really liked and the best part was looking around the exhibition room and taking in all the colours and textures of the different works.