Day 080 - Broome to Quandong

Packed up camp and headed out to town towards Cape Leveque (but not going all the way up there). Dropped in at the bird observatory but it was the wrong time of day and tide to see all the shore birds close up. Amazing to learn about all the migratory shore birds though, the come in their tens of thousands from Siberia every year to Broome! Got some cred for being a "birder" but I'm not as hardcore as these dudes that live and breathe bird watching. Actually I'm pretty sure I don't want to be that hardcore!

Nessie felt more at home once we got off the tar and onto some of the reddest dirt roads we've seen. Cruised up the coast and rocked up to find not many people around and some pretty cool campsites perched right above the beach. We set up camp and while Dani was cooking dinner we spotted a hermit crab scurrying around in the half-darkness. There actually turned out to be dozens and dozens of hermit crabs around our campsite so I collected a few for an after dinner crab race!

We picked our favourites and dropped them into a big circle in the sand for a best of 3 competition. I think Dani lost but it didn't really matter, was fun with a few beers. I also managed to pull a big one out of his shell without getting my fingers bitten and it was cool to see him get back into his house.