Day 070 - El Questro to Russ Creek (Gibb River Road)

Checked the yabbie pots first thing and found not only a couple of cherabin but I actually caught a barramundi! Somehow the fish got into my pot and munched half one of the crustaceans (barra love them apparently). He measured about 25cm so had to throw him back but stoked to finally get a fish, even if it was by accident. On the way out we turned onto a 4wd track to El Questro gorge, a great hike up the middle of this oasis-like gorge with steep walls on both sides, ferns, palms and a crystal clear stream running through it. Walked halfway in and had a swim in the rock pool then headed back to get on the road.

Quite surprised at how good the Gibb river Road is. We'd heard horror stories about brutal corrugations but the further in we go the better the road gets. It's still a gravel road with lots of sharp stones but we happily cruised along at 60 checking out the stunning scenery in relative comfort. Slight hitch when we pulled over to discover a flat rear tyre with not one but three holes hissing air! Managed to repair all three holes and get back on our way, kept checking the mirror and getting paranoid about shredding a tyre again!

Got ourselves about 200km down the road and pulled off to a rest area next to a creek to camp for the evening. We'd have missed the turn off if we hadn't been watching the trip meter, no signs at all on the road and nobody else staying here. Maybe this would be our first night of camping completely alone! Checked out the creek and got the yabbie pots in then set up and kicked back with a beer for yet another episode of Underbelly under the stars.