Day 035 - Kuala Lumpur to Bali

Hungover as hell and another crazy taxi ride to the airport (140 in a 90 zone but it's ok, the driver knows where the cops sit). Almost missed the flight somehow even though we were sitting right next to the gate! Maybe a bit too relaxed on this holiday? Awful flight, Air Asia don't space the seats with white guys in mind, spent 2.5 hours with knees jammed into the emergency procedures guide in the seat pocket in front.

First taste of Indo process efficiency at the airport, it took 3 different officers (and queues) to get our visas paid, reviewed and stamped. Got through with minimal hassles though, some others we met took hours to get through. Into our (pre-booked) taxi and drove less than 1km to where we were staying! We had no idea the airport was so close.

We'd booked into a place called Home Base in Tuban (just down from Kuta) which is the surfer accommodation available through the Baliwaves surf report. Ok digs, fairly clean with ordinary beds but easy enough to book online and get yourself to. After dumping our bags the taxi driver dropped us off up the road a bit to meet Slim, the aussie guy that runs Baliwaves. Sat in the gutter and had a couple of Bintangs, soaking in the Bali vibe. Talked to a few sunburnt surfers about the different waves around Bali, trying to adapt their information in my head around the fact that they obviously rip and I don't. Oh well, the huge swell forecast for tomorrow means I can probably legitimately claim it's too big for me anyway!