Day 030 - Darwin to Singapore

Legends and f#ckwits again! Last night we arrived a bit late into Darwin but had called the caravan park to ask if that was ok. No worries said the girl, just call the after hours mobile number on the front door when you arrive. So, we rock up about 10pm and call the number only to be told off by the person on the other end including threats of calling the police if we parked on the street out the front and camped there!

We found a motel up the road and despite having to shell out for one of their nicer rooms, the guy turned out to be a 4wd and fishing fanatic and spent more than half an hour showing us on the map all these things to see when we do the Gibb River Road. Even better, when chatting the next morning at checkout, he offered to let us leave the truck parked out the back of his motel for a month while we fly to SE Asia! What a star. Again, the roll of the dice was unexpected but we ended up landing on our feet and saving a fair chunk of cash by not having to park at the airport.

Very weird to leave the truck and just be down to backpacks and board bags. Funny customs girl, pretty casual up here compared to most other places ("awww yeah, how youse going?"). Ok flight and then we got off into that Singapore heat and humidity that never seems to change. Straight to a friend of a friend's penthouse apartment for dinner! The expat life isn't too bad for some, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and a hot tub on the balcony overlooking the city. Nice dinner then out for a few beers with our friends Matt and Sarah with whom we were staying. It's starting to feel like a holiday now that we don't have to build our house every night!