Day 003 - Port Macquarie to Point Plomer

Took the ferry over the river and the backroad up to Point Plomer. Despite the various warnings that the road was "bad", we didn't realised how bad until we saw the 30 foot long (and how deep?) mud puddles filling the track. Vanessa (our trusty Landcruiser) didn't skip a beat and we made slow but steady progress up the coast. Yes Dad we walked the puddles first.

Arrived at Point Plomer to find a great little campsite right next to the point. I'd always heard about this spot but had never made it up here. Surf looked like it had some size and potential but pretty much blown out although was trying hard to peel down the line with two guys out not getting much joy.

We jumped off the rocks and paddled into the messy lineup not expecting much but within half an hour the wind suddenly dropped off and we each got a winding righthander for at least 100m down the point (and nobdoy else out by this stage). The surf continued to clean up and we both got mindblowingly long (100-200m) wave after wave, some of the longest we'd ever surfed!

A couple more guys came out but there were plenty of waves to go around. So much for getting in by 4pm so we didn't have to put our tents up in the dark, we stayed out until close to sunset! Figured out Jack's brand new tent in the dark and cooked up one of Mum's frozen stews from the 4wd fridge. Went to bed with dingoes howling around the campsite...

Surf: Point Plomer, NSW, 3 foot, 2.5hr (5.5 total)