Bali - Indonesia

How could I come home for Christmas (from living in London) without stopping off in Bali? As part of my pledge to visit Indo every birth-year for the rest of my life, I moved my flights around to give a week stopover in Singapore, then Air Asia return to Denpasar. Jack is living and working in Singapore now so we had a day there to muck around then the Surfari was back on!

Unfortunately December isn't prime time for surf due to both wind and swell but we had fun anyway. It's a great place to visit regardless but we kicked around Kuta for a bit, did some awesome diving (one the best dives I've ever done) and heading down the Bukit Peninsula in the hope of at least some small waves. We stayed at Balangan and got a few fairly grovelly surfs in but the best surf was 3 foot, slightly wobbly Uluwatu! Having never surfed Ulus before it was a good experience to check out the break including the cool paddle out through the cave. Not sure I'd want to try getting back here on a big day but very keen to surf the Bukit again in swell season. Props to Nicolas, a Spanish guy we met and became friends with, who paddled out at Uluwatu for his second surf ever and successfully caught a couple of waves!

So a short but sweet trip and lots of fun. Some of the best parts of visiting Indo are there despite the lack of surf - zooming around on motorbikes, tasty food, random weirdness you'd never see in the Western world and of course the wonderful Balinese people! Good times, I'll be back...