Popoyo Village - Nicaragua (again!)

Nice to get back to Popoyo but where was the surf? We'd hoped for some pumping waves but arrived to find just a poor imitation of the perfect reef break we'd seen a week ago. Oh well, we headed out anyway for a grovel and I SNAPPED MY SURFBOARD ON MY FIRST WAVE!!! I couldn't believe it. After some of the waves we'd had, I'd managed to break the nose off on one of the worst waves of the trip.

Sympathy from Jack and Kyla (who had come down for another weekend break) ensued and my sorrows were drowned in a bottle of 7 year old Flor de Cana rum! Actually since the surf was so crap + it was Easter weekend + almost my birthday, we ended up just partying for the next couple of days! When the surf drops on this trip one of my favourite people in the world comes out, Party Jack! I hadn't seen Party Jack since Bocas del Toro (he didn't make an appearance in Costa Rica at all because the surf was so good) but now he was ready to rock. Jack, Kyla and I plus a bunch of the travellers we'd met last week all had a great time with Party Jack secretly topping up everyone's rums until we were blotto! All around us the locals and Nico tourists from Granada and (the captial) Managua were partying too. Good times!

The other good news is that my board was fixed for a mere $25 with one of the best repair jobs I've ever seen. A French guy (with Nico wife) lived in the village and repaired boards (and absolutely ripped when the waves were on). Really cool couple, the wife made these funky t-shirt designs and the one I bought is still my favourite t-shirt with comments from people as I've travelled all over.

So what to do next? No waves here and we were starting to run out of time to see/surf everywhere between here and Mexico, also we were hoping to catch the end of the snow season in Lake Tahoe where Jack's mate lived. We built a spreadsheet plan with a bunch of options (nerds but worked for us!) and decided we should check out the town where Kyla lived for a few days then jump on the long bus to Mexico!