Day 146 - Congo to Sydney

Up relatively early in the hope that we'd score some waves but the swell had dropped off quite a bit. We drove around some of the backroads just south of Congo to check out a few spots but didn't see anything looking that great. Suddenly the NE wind started kicking up, really early at only 7:30am. We headed back to Meringo, the only half decent spot we'd seen and got out there before the wind killed it completely!

We actually had a really fun surf. It looked terrible but once out there it was quite punchy with a few fun chest-high bowls and walls to hit. Ended up staying out for 2 hours having a ball! Without saying much about it, we'd both decided it was our last surf of the trip and it was time to head back to Sydney.

We'd scored some decent surf, espeically in the last couple of weeks, so we were happy enough to head home and get on with the next part of the trip! I was pretty keen to check out Ulladulla on the way up, not for surf but just to see the town. Not sure why, maybe I've just always liked the name. Well, we turned off the highway as we passed though to see what we could see and stumbled upon a surf spot completely unaffected by the howling NE wind!

We couldn't believe it! We'd completely written off surfing today thinking everywhere would be blown out but quickly suited up and got out there. Ended up on our own peak trading awesome 2-3 foot waves for more than an hour! Awesome bonus, clearly a present from Huey for our dedication to the cause.

We continued to truck north but turned off at Nowra to take the scenic route through Kangaroo Valley, somewhere neither of us had every been. Really pretty drive and I'd like to go back but probably wouldn't want to do it in a diesel troopy again! Dropped in at Maccas in Mittagong for my last double quarterpounder of the trip (bad habit I know) and then pointed Nessie straight for Sydney!

To be honest I was pretty excited cruising into the city after 25000km around the country. We took the Williams St exit to do a victory lap through Kings Cross and the city before going over the bridge. It's been an amazing trip but it's nice to be home too. If nothing else, it's made me appreciate that Sydney really is a great place to live!

Surf: Meringo, NSW, 2-3 foot, 2.0hr; Ulladulla, NSW, 2-3 foot, 1.5hr (154.5 total)